Native Ads & Insights Ad Specs
Examples of advertisement options for Questex are below, along with specifications. For questions, please contact [email protected].
Native Ads & Insights are your content prominently promoted on our websites and in our newsletters as sponsored content.
Materials Due Date: Creative is due 2 Mondays before the ad goes live (ex: if the ad begins the week of January 22nd, creative is due by Monday, January 8th).
When submitting creative, please send the following items:
- Article Headline
- Homepage/Section Front Article Headline
- Homepage/Section Front Teaser Text
- Newsletter Teaser Text
- Article Copy
- Article Primary Image
- Company Name
- Company Logo
- Company Description
- Web Ads
Article Headline: Plain text. Recommended 90 characters or less (including spaces)
Homepage/Section Front Article Headline: 64 characters or less (including spaces). Article headline that will appear on the homepage and section front(s) of the website. This is a shortened version of the Article Headline if the headline is over 90 characters.
Homepage/Section Front Teaser Text: 150 characters or less (including spaces). This is a teaser introduction that will be used to display on the homepage and section front(s). The teaser introduction should be long enough to cover the article, but short enough to garner interest.
Newsletter Teaser Text: 200 characters or less (including spaces). This is a teaser introduction that will be used to display in the newsletter. The teaser introduction should be long enough to cover the article, but short enough to garner interest.
Article Copy: 800 words or less. This is the body of your article. Recommended 600-800 words.
Article Primary Image: This is the primary image of the article and will appear at the top of the article page. Should be good imagery and not a repeat of the sponsoring company’s logo.
- Dimensions: 800px × 600px or larger and at least 72 dpi. Image set to a 4:3 ratio.
- File Formats: .jpg, .gif, .png
Company Name: 50 characters or less (including spaces)
Company Logo:
- Dimensions: 260px × 260px. Image set to a 1:1 ratio.
- File Formats: .jpg, .gif, .png
- Max File Size: 256 MB
Company Description: 100 words or less
Web Ads:
Super Leaderboard
- Dimensions: 970px × 90px
- Mobile Dimensions: 320px × 50px
- File Formats: .gif, .jpg, 3rd party tags
- Max Length: 10 sec. maximum
- File Size: 40K
- Max Loops: 3
- Click here for a list of approved third-party vendors.
*You may submit up to three different creatives for the three right hand rail spots
*Medium Rectangle
- Dimensions: 300px × 250px
- File Formats: .gif, .jpg, 3rd party tags
- Max Length: 10 sec.
- Max File Size: 40K
- Max Loops: 3
- Click here for a list of approved third-party vendors.
*Half Page
- Dimensions: 300px × 600px
- File Formats: .gif, .jpg, 3rd party tags
- Max Length: 10 sec.
- Max File Size: 40K
- Max Loops: 3
- Click here for a list of approved third-party vendors.
Homepage Example:
Article Page Example: